Leadenhall Baptist Church Bible Study Series
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”- Ephesians 4:32
FORGIVENESS: Setting Your Captives Free
Class description
In this lesson, we dive deeper into the topic of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not forgetting. It is a transaction in which we release our debtors from the obligation to repay their debts to us.
This discussion is from lesson 9 in the companion book Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival
Lesson Highlights
Hurt Is Unavoidable
We cannot avoid being hurt and wronged by others. Therefore, we cannot avoid the need to forgive others.
Forgiveness Is Our Duty
As forgiven people, we must be willing to forgive others.
Release and Move Forward
God is sovereign over the pain others inflict on us. God uses them for redemptive purposes, if we let him.
Forgiveness Leads To Transformation
Deuteronomy 11:1
Forgiveness means that I fully release the offender from his debt. It means fully cleaning his record. It is a promise never to bring up the offense against him again (to God, to others, or to the offender himself).
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